System Overview
These tables summarize all Maven artifacts available with Apache Causeway.
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Starter Parent
Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for Apache Causeway applications built with Maven. Builds on top of spring-boot-starter-parent. |
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Maven Deps
Collection of Apache Causeway Maven Dependency Bundles. |
Apache Causeway Maven Deps - Webapp
Defines a module that can be almost used as a single dependency for running an Apache Causeway webapp (Wicket, Restful Objects and GraphQL viewers). However, it does NOT include any security module or persistence provider or extensions. |
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Testing
A library of utilities, mini-frameworks and tools for prototyping and testing Apache Causeway applications. |
Apache Causeway Tst - Architecture Test Support (parent)
A module providing a library of architecture tests |
Apache Causeway Tst - Architecture Test Support (applib)
Apache Causeway Tst - FakeData (parent)
A module providing a domain service to generate fake random data for use in unit tests or integration tests. |
Apache Causeway Tst - FakeData (applib)
Apache Causeway Tst - FakeData (fixtures)
Apache Causeway Tst - FakeData (integ tests)
Apache Causeway Tst - Fixtures (parent)
Library to initialize the system under test, either for integration testing or for prototyping. |
Apache Causeway Tst - Fixtures (applib)
Apache Causeway Tst - H2 Console (parent)
Menu and configuration to open up H2 Console |
Apache Causeway Tst - H2 Console (ui)
Apache Causeway Tst - HSQLDB Manager (parent)
Menu and configuration to open up HSQLDB Manager |
Apache Causeway Tst - HSQLDB Manager
Apache Causeway Tst - Integ Test Support (parent)
Support for writing integ tests in JUnit 5; should be added as a dependency with scope=test only |
Apache Causeway Tst - Integ Test Support (applib)
Apache Causeway Tst - Spec/Cucumber (parent)
Allows Cucumber to be used to write BDD-style specifications, generally as an alternative to integration tests. |
Apache Causeway Tst - Spec/Cucumber (applib)
Apache Causeway Tst - Unit Test Support (parent)
A module providing test utilities for unit testing of domain modules |
Apache Causeway Tst - Unit Test Support (applib)
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway (Aggregator)
Convenience aggregator POM that references all modules, some explicitely, others via profiles, that are not activiated per default. The parent POM of the core framework is bom/pom.xml. |
Apache Causeway - Antora
Apache Causeway
Apache Causeway Bill of Material (BOM). Also the parent POM for the core framework and extensions. |
Apache Causeway Supplemental - Legal Info
For example, the templates used by many Apache distributions assemble a listing of project dependencies according to their organization name (and URL), along with the URL each project’s website. When dependency POMs are missing this information, the dependency notice file that the Remote Resources Plugin renders can be invalid. To compensate for incomplete dependency POMs, we use the supplemental models support. |
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Commons
Apache Causeway Commons is a library with utilities, that are shared with the entire Apache Causeway ecosystem. |
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Core
Core framework, providing metamodel, runtime and core APIs. |
Apache Causeway Api - AppLib
Causeway application library, defining annotations and utilities for the default (Java) programming model. |
Apache Causeway Core - Code Gen (ByteBuddy)
Code generation using ByteBuddy. |
Apache Causeway Core - Configuration
Causeway configuration library for framework internal use. |
Apache Causeway Core - Interaction
Provides Interaction Scope. Top level action execution or property changes are wrapped in an Interaction. That typically corresponds to a http request/response cycle or a JUnit test method execution. |
Apache Causeway Core - Internal Test Support
Support for writing unit tests in JUnit 5; should be added as a dependency with scope=test only |
Apache Causeway Core - MetaModel
Apache Causeway Core - Runtime
Bundles framework internal services, utilities and events. |
Apache Causeway Core - Runtime Services
Introduced to keep the 'runtime' package concise. Viewers don’t have dependencies on this module. |
Apache Causeway Core - Security
Apache Causeway Core - Transaction
Provides transaction integration with Spring and also entity change tracking, with associated publishing and pre/post value events. |
Apache Causeway Core - WebApp
Bundles all the web specific classes a srequired by viewers. Introduced to keep the 'runtime' package concise. |
Apache Causeway Api - Schemas
Apache Causeway schemas, for conversion into canonical DTOs (for use in integration scenarios). |
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Persistence - QueryDSL
Apache Causeway QueryDSL integration |
Apache Causeway Persistence - querydsl (applib)
Supplementary applib for querydsl support |
Apache Causeway Persistence - querydsl (integration)
querydsl integration Facets / Programming Model |
Apache Causeway Persistence - querydsl (jdo)
Supplementary jdo for querydsl support |
Apache Causeway Persistence - querydsl (jpa)
Supplementary jpa for querydsl support |
Apache Causeway Persistence - querydsl (metamodel)
querydsl Metamodel Facets / Programming Model |
Apache Causeway Persistence - querydsl (testsupport)
QueryDSL Test Support |
Persistence Commons
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Persistence - Commons
Apache Causeway Common utilities for persistence stacks |
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JDO
Supplementary applib for JDO persistence |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JDO (applib)
Supplementary applib for JDO persistence |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JDO Provider (DataNucleus)
JDO Implementation (powered by DataNucleus) |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JDO (integration)
JDO Integration (powered by DataNucleus) |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JDO (metamodel)
JDO Metamodel Facets / Programming Model |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JDO (provider)
JDO Provider to be implemented by any actual JDO provider eg. DataNucleus. |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JDO (Spring)
JDO Spring integration. This is a fork of the Spring ORM JDO sources at github, for which support had been dropped back in 2016 [1]. Credits to the original authors. See also docs [2]. |
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JPA
Apache Causeway JPA integration |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JPA (applib)
Supplementary applib for JPA persistence |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JPA EclipseLink
EclipseLink integration. Sets up EclipseLink as the implementation provider for Spring Data JPA. |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JPA (integration)
JPA integration (facets, jpa-context) |
Apache Causeway Persistence - JPA (metamodel)
JPA Metamodel Facets / Programming Model |
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Security - Simple
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Security - Bypass
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Security - Keycloak
Authentication and Authorization using Keycloak |
Viewer Commons
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Viewer - Commons
Apache Causeway Viewer - Commons Applib
Apache Causeway Viewer - Commons Model
Apache Causeway Commons - Prism
Client Side Syntax Highlighting |
Apache Causeway Viewer - Commons Services
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Viewer - GraphQL
Apache Causeway Viewer - GraphQL (Applib)
Apache Causeway Viewer - GraphQL (Model)
Apache Causeway Viewer - GraphQL (Test)
Apache Causeway Viewer - GraphQL (Test 2)
Apache Causeway Viewer - GraphQL (Test Support)
Apache Causeway Viewer - GraphQL (Viewer)
Restful Objects
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Viewer - RO
Apache Causeway Viewer - RO (AppLib)
Apache Causeway Viewer - RO (Client)
Apache Causeway Viewer - RO (JAX-RS Resteasy)
JAX-RS plugin using jboss resteasy. |
Apache Causeway Viewer - RO (Rendering)
Apache Causeway Viewer - RO (Test)
Apache Causeway Viewer - RO (Testing)
Apache Causeway Viewer - RO (Viewer)
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Viewer - Wicket
Apache Causeway Viewer - Wicket (Applib)
Apache Causeway Viewer - Wicket (Model)
Apache Causeway Viewer - Wicket (UI Components)
Apache Causeway Viewer - Wicket (UI Test)
Eclipse IDE failes to build the UI tests since junit-api is forced onto the module-path by Wicket. So as a workaround putting tests into their own artifact. |
Apache Causeway Viewer - Wicket (Viewer)
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Value types
Value types for use within Apache Causeway applications. |
Apache Causeway Val - Joda Time (parent)
Joda Time Library |
Apache Causeway Val - Joda Time (applib)
Apache Causeway Val - Joda Time (integration)
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Val - Asciidoctor (parent)
Asciidoc value type. |
Apache Causeway Val - Asciidoctor (applib)
Apache Causeway Val - Asciidoctor (Builder)
Library for programmatic AsciiDoc generation. The AsciiDoc name is trademarked by the Eclipse Foundation ( This project is not part of the specification effort for AsciiDoc under the AsciiDoc Working Group. See and However, we are happy to help with transfer of source code, if any project (under the umbrella of the AsciiDoc Working Group) is willing to take over. |
Apache Causeway Val - Asciidoctor (MetaModel)
Apache Causeway Val - Asciidoctor (Persistence JDO)
Apache Causeway Val - Asciidoctor (persistence JPA)
Apache Causeway Val - Asciidoctor (ui)
Apache Causeway Val - Asciidoctor (ui wicket)
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Val - Markdown (parent)
Markdown value type. |
Apache Causeway Val - Markdown (applib)
Apache Causeway Val - Markdown (MetaModel)
Apache Causeway Val - Markdown (Persistence JDO)
Apache Causeway Val - Markdown (persistence JPA)
Apache Causeway Val - Markdown (ui)
Apache Causeway Val - Markdown (ui wicket)
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Val - Vega (parent)
Vega/Vega-lite value type. |
Apache Causeway Val - Vega (applib)
Apache Causeway Val - Vega (MetaModel)
Apache Causeway Val - Vega (Persistence JDO)
Apache Causeway Val - Vega (persistence JPA)
Apache Causeway Val - Vega (ui)
Apache Causeway Val - Vega (ui wicket)
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Extensions
Extensions to the Apache Causeway framework itself. These are not intended to be called by the domain logic of an Apache Causeway application (see instead org.apache.causeway.platform). |
Apache Causeway Ext - Audit Trail
Apache Causeway Ext - Audit Trail Applib
Apache Causeway Ext - Audit Trail Persistence (using JDO)
Apache Causeway Ext - Audit Trail Persistence (using JPA)
Apache Causeway Ext - CORS (parent)
Implementation of CORS Filter (using ebay filter) |
Apache Causeway Ext - CORS (impl)
Apache Causeway Ext - FullCalendar (parent)
A component for Apache Causeway' Wicket viewer, displaying collections of objects that have a date on a (JavaScript widget). |
Apache Causeway Ext - FullCalendar (applib)
Apache Causeway Ext - FullCalendar Wicket
Apache Causeway Ext - FullCalendar Wicket (Integration)
Integrates with Wicket |
Apache Causeway Ext - FullCalendar Wicket (UI)
Integrates FullCalendar Wicket with the Wicket Viewer |
Apache Causeway Ext - LayoutLoaders
Allows layouts to be dynamically loaded from an external source. |
Apache Causeway Ext - LayoutLoaders GitHub
Allows layout.xml files to be dynamically loaded from a github repo. |
Apache Causeway Ext - pdf.js - Parent
A component for Apache Causeway' Wicket viewer, allowing BLOBs containing PDFs to be rendered in a panel using pdf.js. |
Apache Causeway Ext - pdf.js - Applib
Apache Causeway Ext - pdf.js - Metamodel
Apache Causeway Ext - pdf.js Wicket
Apache Causeway Ext - pdf.js - Wicket (Integration)
Integrates pdf.js with Wicket |
Apache Causeway Ext - pdf.js - Wicket (UI)
Apache Causeway Ext - Sec Man
Apache Causeway Ext - Sec Man Applib
Apache Causeway Ext - Sec Man Delegated (Using Shiro)
Provides an implementation of a Shiro Realm that will automatically created delegated ApplicationUsers for any users externally authenticated in a delegate realm |
Apache Causeway Ext - Sec Man Delegated (using Spring Oauth2)
Provides a domain service to automatically create a delegated ApplicationUser if authentication has been performed externally, eg by Spring OAuth2 or by Keycloak. |
Apache Causeway Ext - Sec Man Encryption (Using jbcrypt)
Apache Causeway Ext - Sec Man Encryption (Using Spring)
Apache Causeway Ext - Sec Man Integration
Apache Causeway Ext - Sec Man Persistence (Using JDO)
Apache Causeway Ext - Sec Man Persistence (Using JPA)
Apache Causeway Ext - Session Log
Apache Causeway Ext - Session Log Applib
Apache Causeway Ext - Session Log Persistence (using JDO)
Apache Causeway Ext - Session Log Persistence (using JPA)
Apache Causeway Ext - Security - Spring Oauth2
Authentication Converter, using Spring Security’s OAuth2 client |
Apache Causeway Ext - Server Sent Events (parent)
Dynamically updating HTML markup |
Apache Causeway Ext - Server Sent Events
Apache Causeway Ext - Server Sent Events (metamodel)
Apache Causeway Ext - Server Sent Events (Wicket)
Apache Causeway Ext - Title Cache
Provides a means of caching titles so that they don’t have to be continually re-evaluated |
Apache Causeway Ext - Titlecache Applib
Apache Causeway Ext - Titlecache Caffeine
Applib: Excel
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Ext - Excel (parent)
A domain service for Apache Causeway', allowing collections of (view model) objects to be exported/imported to/from an Excel spreadsheet. Also support for excel-based fixtures. |
Apache Causeway Ext - Excel (applib)
Apache Causeway Ext - Excel (Fixtures)
Apache Causeway Ext - Excel (Integ Tests)
Apache Causeway Sub - Excel (testing support)
Core: Command Log
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Ext - Command Log
Logs commands |
Apache Causeway Ext - Command Log API
Apache Causeway Ext - Command Log Implementation (JDO)
Apache Causeway Ext - Command Log Implementation (JPA)
Core: DocGen
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Ext - Docgen
Provides a set of code mining features that can help building documentation for your application. |
Apache Causeway Ext - Docgen Help
Provides help/documentation pages for your application. |
Core: Execution Log
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Log
Logs executions |
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Log API
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Log Implementation (JDO)
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Log Implementation (JPA)
Core: Execution Outbox
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Outbox
Logs executions into an outbox, REST Client to consume |
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Outbox API
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Outbox Implementation (JDO)
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Outbox Implementation (JPA)
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Outbox REST Client
Core: Execution Republisher
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Republisher
Republishes executions persisted in the execution log to the execution outbox |
Apache Causeway Ext - Execution Outbox Republisher
Core: Flyway
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Ext - Flyway
Integrates Flyway when using any (relational) persistence store |
Apache Causeway Ext - Flyway Impl
Core: Tabular
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Ext - Tabular (parent)
Tabular Data Extensions such as download of representations of collections. |
Apache Causeway Ext - Tabular (Applib)
Apache Causeway Ext - Tabular (Excel)
Regression Tests
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Regression Tests
Collection of JUnit tests covering core functionalities of the framework. |
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Base
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Bootstrapping
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Cmd/Exec/Audit/Session
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Cmd/Exec/Audit/Session - Generic
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Cmd/Exec/Audit/Session - JDO
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Cmd/Exec/Audit/Session - JPA
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Config
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Core WrapperFactory
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Cucumber
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Domain Model
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Event Handling
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Factory
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Interact
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Layouts
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Persistence (JDO)
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Persistence (JPA)
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Publishing (JPA)
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Rest
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Value Types
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Viewers Common
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Viewers JDO
Apache Causeway Regression Tests - Viewers JPA
Kroviz Client
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Incubator - Client kroViz
Web client based on RESTful API |
Command Replay
Coordinates | Description |
Apache Causeway Inc - Core Command Replay
Replays commands to secondary system |
Apache Causeway Inc - Core Command Replay for Primary
A module for obtaining commands from a primary |
Apache Causeway Inc - Core Command Replay for Secondary
A module providing a Quartz Job to run on a secondary system, for obtaining commands from a primary and saving them so that they are replayed. |