Post Release (Successful)

The release process consists of:

  • the release manager cutting the release

  • members of the Apache Causeway PMC verifying and voting on the release

  • the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a successful or an unsuccessful vote (former documented below)

For a vote to succeed, there must be +3 votes from PMC members, and the vote must have been open at least 72 hours. If there are not +3 votes after this time then it is perfectly permissible to keep the vote open longer.

This section describes the steps to perform if the vote has been successful.

Inform dev ML

Post the results to the dev@causeway.a.o mailing list:

[RESULT] [VOTE] Apache Causeway Core release 3.2.0

using the body (alter last line as appropriate):

The vote has completed with the following result :

  +1 (binding): ... list of names ...
  +1 (non binding): ... list of names ...

  -1 (binding): ... list of names ...
  -1 (non binding): ... list of names ...

The vote is SUCCESSFUL.

I'll now go ahead and complete the post-release activities.

Release to Maven Central

We release from Maven Central before anything else; we don’t want to push the git tags (an irreversible action) until we know that this has worked ok.

From the ASF Nexus repository, select the staging repository and select 'release' from the top menu.

nexus release 1

This moves the release artifacts into an Apache releases repository; from there they will be automatically moved to the Maven repository.

Set environment variables

As we did for the cutting of the release, we set environment variables to parameterize the following steps:

export CAUSEWAYJIRA=CAUSEWAY-9999                           (1)
export CAUSEWAYTMP=/c/tmp                               (2)
export CAUSEWAYREL=3.2.0                           (3)
export CAUSEWAYRC=RC1                                   (4)
export CAUSEWAYART=causeway

env | grep CAUSEWAY | sort
1 set to an "umbrella" ticket for all release activities. (One should exist already, created at the beginning of the development cycle now completing).
2 adjust by platform
3 adjust as required
4 adjust as necessary if there was more than one attempt to release

Open up a terminal, and switch to the correct release branch:

git checkout $CAUSEWAYBRANCH

Update tags

Replace the -RCn tag with another without the qualifier.

You can do this using the scripts/ script; for example:


This script pushes the tag under refs/tags/rel. As per Apache policy (communicated on 10th Jan 2016 to Apache PMCs), this path is 'protected' and is unmodifiable (guaranteeing the provenance that the ASF needs for releases).

Update JIRA

Close tickets

Close all JIRA tickets for the release, or moved to future releases if not yet addressed. Any tickets that were partially implemented should be closed, and new tickets created for the functionality on the ticket not yet implemented.

Mark the version as released

In JIRA, go to the administration section for the Apache Causeway project and update the version as being released.

In the Kanban view this will have the effect of marking all tickets as released (clearing the "done" column).

Close all released tickets

From the Releases page, review the status of all work items in the release to check that they are closed.

If any are not, open the tickets in the issue navigator (from the release page):

jira open release in navigator

and then use "Bulk change" to transition through workflow:

jira bulk tool

Create new JIRA

Create a new JIRA ticket as a catch-all for the next release.

Update Release Notes

In the main causeway repo (ie containing the asciidoc source):

  • Generate release notes

    From the root directory, generate the release notes for the current release, in AsciiDoc format; eg:

    sh scripts/ CAUSEWAY $CAUSEWAYREL > /tmp/$CAUSEWAYREL.adoc

    This script uses 'jq' to parse JSON. See the script itself for details of how to install this utility.

  • Create a new relnotes.adoc file

    in antora/components/relnotes/modules/ROOT/pages/yyyy/vvv/relnotes.adoc

    • where yyyy is the year

    • vvv is the version number

    Copy the release notes (/tmp/$CAUSEWAYREL.adoc) into the relnotes.adoc, recategorising if necessary

  • Update the table in antora/components/relnotes/ROOT/pages/about.adoc

    Date of release, number of new features, improvements and bugs fixed.

  • Update antora/components/relnotes/ROOT/nav.adoc

    To reference these release notes.

  • update the doap_causeway.rdf file (which provides a machine-parseable description of the project) with details of the new release. Validate using the W3C RDF Validator service.

    For more on DOAP files, see these Apache policy docs.
  • Update the STATUS file (in root of Apache Causeway' source) should be updated with details of the new release.

  • commit the changes

    git add .
    git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: updates release notes, STATUS and doap_causeway.rdf"

Release Source Zip

As described in the Apache documentation, each Apache TLP has a release/TLP-name directory in the distribution Subversion repository at Once a release vote passes, the release manager should svn add the artifacts (plus signature and hash files) into this location. The release is then automatically pushed to by svnpubsub. Only the most recent release of each supported release line should be contained here, old versions should be deleted.

Each project is responsible for the structure of its directory. The directory structure of Apache Causeway reflects the directory structure in our git source code repo:


If necessary, checkout this directory structure:

svn co causeway-dist

Next, add the new release into the appropriate directory. The script can be used to automate this:

if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
  echo "usage: $(basename $0) version" 2>&1
  exit 1

# constants

# file suffices

for suffix in $zip $asc $md5 $sha1 $sha512
  echo curl -O $repo_root/$fullname/$new_ver/$fullname-$new_ver-$suffix
  curl -O $repo_root/$fullname/$new_ver/$fullname-$new_ver-$suffix
  svn add $fullname-$new_ver-$suffix
sh 3.2.0

The script downloads the artifacts from the Nexus release repository and adds the artifacts to subversion.

Manually delete any old files using svn delete.

Double check that the files are correct; there is sometimes a small delay in the files becoming available in the release repository. It should be sufficient to check just the md5 or .asc files that these look valid (aren’t HTML 404 error pages):

cat *.md5
cat *.sha1
cat *.sha512

Assuming all is good, commit the changes:

svn commit -m "publishing causeway source releases to"

If the files are invalid, then revert using svn revert . --recursive and try again in a little while.

Final website updates

Apply any remaining documentation updates:

  • If there have been documentation changes made in other branches since the release branch was created, then merge these in.

  • If there have been updates to any of the schemas, copy them over:

    • copy the new schema(s) from


      to its versioned:


    • ensure the non-versioned is same as the highest versioned


  • Commit the changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: merging in final changes to docs"

We are now ready to generate the website.

Generate website

We use Antora to generate the site, setting up a document maintenance branch 3.2.0. This mirrors the "rel/causeway-3.2.0" (immutable) release tag, but is a branch because it allows us to update the docs outside formal releases.

The site.yml (which can be in any branch) references these documentation branches, but uses the latest version support of Antora 3.x to reference the 3.2.0 version as "latest":

    latest_version_segment: latest

This approach also means that the top-level index.html (from the Antora template) does not need to be modified; it can simply refer to "latest". To avoid duplicates in the Algolia search index, we also only index the "latest" directory.

Create the doc branch

  • We create the 3.2.0 branch, at the rel/causeway-3.2.0 release tag.

    git checkout -b 3.2.0
    git reset --hard rel/causeway-3.2.0
  • update all antora.yml files to use the latest branch (3.2.0):

    find . -name antora.yml -exec sed -i 's/latest/3.2.0/g' {} \;
  • update the version for the petclinic tutorial:

        tag-version: '3.2.0'
        jdk-version: '17'
  • build framework

    pushd bom
    mvnd clean install -T1C -DskipTests -Dgithub
  • build and link to the module tooling jar, as per doc tooling prereqs process

  • generate the website:

  • if any files have changed, then commit:

    git add .
    git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: updates docs on new release branch"
  • Commit all these changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: bumps antora.yml versions to $CAUSEWAYREL"
  • Push the documentation branch:

    git push origin 3.2.0 -u

Generate the site

To build the site, we need to update the site.yml.

This can be done from any branch, normally the release branch ($CAUSEWAYBRANCH) or master.

All that will be picked up from this branch is the supplementary-ui files (top-level index) and the site.yml playbook that identifies which branch(es) to include in the website.
  • Update site.yml using site.NEXT.yml:

  • move site.yml to one side, and replace with site.NEXT.yml:

    pushd antora/playbooks
    mv site.yml      site.ORIG.yml
    mv site.NEXT.yml site.yml
  • update the new site.yml, eg:

        - url: .
          start_path: antora/components/docs # docs
          branches: [3.2.0]
          # ...
        - url: .
          start_path: viewers/wicket/adoc # vw
          branches: [3.2.0]
  • check that the attributes are correct.

        page-causewayreleaseversion: "..."    (1)
    1 needs to be the next likely 3.2.0
  • commit the changes

    git add .
    git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: updates site.yml in readiness for website generation"
  • generate the website:

    sh -AS

    This will write to antora/target/site; we’ll use the results in the next section.

  • Revert site.yml

    Restore the original site.yml file.

Publish website

We now copy the results of the Antora website generation over to the causeway-site repo:

  • in the causeway-site repo, check out the asf-site branch:

    cd ../causeway-site
    git checkout asf-site
    git pull --ff-only
  • still in the causeway-site repo, run the script:


    This deletes all the files in content/ except for the schema and versions directories, and copies the generated Antora site to causeway-site repo’s contents directory:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    pushd content
    for a in $(ls -1 | grep -v schema | grep -v versions)
        rm -rf $a
    pushd ../causeway
    cp -Rf antora/target/site/* ../causeway-site/content/.
    git add .
  • Commit the changes and preview:

    git commit -m "updates website"
  • If everything looks ok, then push the changes to make live, and switch back to the causeway repo:

    git push origin asf-site

Update the Algolia search index

We use Algolia to build our search index.

  • If required, create a algolia.env file holding the APP_ID and the admin API_KEY, in the root of causeway-site; see appendix for details.

  • If required, update the algolia-config.json file; see appendix for details.

    In particular, update the stop_urls property with any paths that should not be crawled.

    Our policy is to only index the most recent version. This avoids lots of duplication in the index; previous versions of the page are easily accessible.
  • Use the Algolia-provided docker image to crawl the web pages and create the search index:

    pushd content
    docker run -it --env-file=../algolia.env -e "CONFIG=$(cat ../algolia-config.json | jq -r tostring)" algolia/docsearch-scraper:v1.16.0

    This posts the index up to the Algolia site.

    Further documentation on the crawler can be found link:as per here; additional config options for the crawler can be found here.

Merge in release branch

Because we release from a branch, the changes made in the branch should be merged back from the release branch back into the master branch.

In the causeway repo:

RC=RC1                                                (1)
git checkout master
git pull
git merge release-3.2.0-$RC
git push origin master
git branch -d release-3.2.0-$RC
git push origin release-3.2.0-$RC --delete
1 adjust RC number as required

Bump baselines for nightly/weekly builds

Main repo (weekly builds)

In the main repo, in .github/workflows, update the BASELINE variable in all scripts:

  • for example, in ci-build-artifacts-no-push-maven.yml:

          BASELINE: 3.2.0
  • in ci-build-site-no-push.yml:

          BASELINE: 3.2.0
  • commit and push:

    git add .
    git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: bumps BASELINE to latest release version"

Nightly build repo

In the apache-causeway-committers/causeway-nightly repo, similarly bump the versions of the BASELINE_MAIN variable.

  • first update your local repo:

    git fetch
    git reset --hard origin/master
  • update the apache-causeway-ci-nightly.yml file:

        name: build, site, build/push reference app
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          # to be shared among all steps of this job
          BASELINE_MAIN: 3.2.0
          BASELINE_EDGE: 3.2.0
  • update any other CI scripts that might exist there.

  • commit and push:

    git add .
    git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: bumps BASELINE to latest release version"

Update starter projects

As explained in cutting a release,for each of the two starter apps, we maintain four branches:

  • v3-jpa; v3-jdo

    These are intended to reference the most recently released version, the first demonstrating persistence using JDO, the second using JPA. These are the branches referenced from the home page and getting started pages of the website.

  • v3-jpa-SNAPSHOT; v3-jdo-SNAPSHOT

    These reference the most current snapshot nightly build.

The general idea is that a release will fast-forward vN-jpa to vN-jpa-SNAPSHOT and similarly moves vN-jdo up to vN-jdo-SNAPSHOT, bumping to the newly released version of the framework in the process. This is done for all current vN branches. The non-SNAPSHOT builds should always reference the most recently release.

In order that we don’t break the starter apps while a release is being voted on, we do the changes in work branches, $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jpa and $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jdo.

Now that the release is complete, tidy up these branches and then set up the -SNAPSHOT branches as required.

The vN-{jpa,jdo} branches should always work against the most recent release, whereas the vN-{jpa,jdo}-SNAPSHOT reference more recent nightly builds if necessary.

Update the reference app

The reference app has a configuration property causeway.viewer.common.application.version (in application.yml); this should be updated.

Update the ASF Reporter website

Log the new release in the ASF Reporter website.

Announce the release

Announce the release to users mailing list.

For example, for a release of Apache Causeway Core, use the following subject:

[ANN] Apache Causeway version 3.2.0 Released

And use the following body (summarizing the main points as required):

The Apache Causeway team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Causeway 3.2.0.

New features in this release include:

* ...

Full release notes are available on the Apache Causeway website at [1].

You can access this release directly from the Maven central repo [2].
Alternatively, download the release and build it from source [3].


--The Apache Causeway team


Announce on

This mailing list is for official project announcements, including release announcements. Posting to this mailing list is highly recommended:

"sending your news to announce@ helps amplify your message to thousands of subscribers, and be included in official ASF promotions, including the Weekly News Round-ups (published every Friday; read by members of the media/analyst community --SD News publishes weekly updates on Apache projects from the Round-ups)"
— Sally Khudairi
email out to Apache PMCs

There are strict guidelines regarding posting to, which is a moderated list. The message must:

  • be sent from your address;

  • be in PLAINTEXT (no HTML mail, no embedded links) and with no attachments

  • contain [ANNOUNCE] or [ANN] before a clear subject line

    eg: [ANNOUNCE] Apache PROJECTNAME v2.3 released.

  • include your project boilerplate ~10-60 words (DOAP = description of a project; eg. )

  • include a link to the project homepage or download source(s)

Social Media

Announce the release using the @ApacheCauseway Twitter account.

Update BASELINE for the (non-ASF) nightly builds

Nightly builds of the framework’s packages are available in two different locations: